Saturday, January 19, 2008

Comedies - Relying on the True and the Tested

Comedy is a hard thing to pull off, not least because you need to be funny, but because you need to be funny in so many ways and with such assuredness, while moving the plot... somewhere. Here, I've given four episode 1s a brief analysis of what the what and what the how, so pay attention.

Firstly, Good old Chrono posted a great article recently on his blog (Journey of the Scribe): Things I Learned from Improv. And, made this points (that are as important for Comedy as they are for Drama):
  1. Every scene needs conflict.
  2. Once you have conflict, escalate it!
  3. When telling a story, avoid thought words such as 'decided', 'pondered', 'considered', etc.
  4. Avoid 'talking heads' scenes. Characters should at least be doing something while they talk.
  5. Fart jokes and scenes about gynecologists make most people groan or cringe, unless your audience is 5-year olds or horny teenagers.
  6. In each scene, try to ask yourself, 'What is my character trying to accomplish this scene?'
  7. Characters all have unique mannerisms and ways of speaking. Try to avoid defaulting to your own voice.
  8. If you're not enjoying a scene, chances are no one else is either.
  9. Subtext is amazing when you can pull it off.
  10. Make every scene and every character larger than life, but still believable.
Black Books - Season 1 Episode 1

There are three plots - one main, and two sub-plots:
  1. Bernard can't do his own accounting or fill in his tax forms and is desperate for assistance
  2. Manny is overly stressed by his accounting job, but having mistakenly swallowed the Little Book of Calm, could die.
  3. Fran's trying to solve the riddle of the latest purchase for her shop - what could it be, and will her trying to work out the answer keep her from being with her friend during labour
And the following is a list of the comedic elements in use:
  1. Blagging / Lack of Knowledge/ Trying to Impress
  2. Character - general funny act
  3. Character - Idiosyncrasy
  4. Character - Out of Character Response / Take on Persona of Another
  5. Character - Over the Top
  6. Character - Specific Saying / Way of Speaking
  7. Contrasting / Reversal (Happy <-> Sad / Idyllic <-> Hell)
  8. Escalate Situation / Responses
  9. Forgetfulness
  10. Getting Caught Out / Saving Face
  11. Harming Oneself / Putting Self in Harms Way
  12. Inability to cope with inanimate objects
  13. Irony
  14. Lack of Self-Awareness
  15. Lack of Social Skills
  16. Malapropism / misuse of Word, Phrase / Off-Cuff Wrong Saying
  17. Obstructing another character (verbally / physically)
  18. Offensive / Blunt / Rude
  19. Reaction to Incident
  20. Reminder of Something Character is Trying to Avoid
  21. Repeat Something (Twist it on the repeat)
  22. Sarcasm
  23. Song / Poetry that doesn't Rhyme
  24. Stating the Obvious
  25. Stereotyping
  26. Surprise Response (abnormal in situation)
  27. Taking Anger Out on Others
  28. Unexpected / Unexplained Act whose Outcome Leads to Explanation
  29. Unexpected Observation / Link

Scrubs - Season 1 Episode 1

Scrubs is more gangshow that Black Books, and the plots resolve around a mural of life in the hospital, introducing us to the characters and following themes of fitting in (place in the hierarchy) / committing to the work / overcoming fears of inadequacy / making friends and rivals.

Here are the comedic elements in use:

  1. Adopting a Funny Voice
  2. Being Anal
  3. Belittling Others
  4. Blagging / Lack of Knowledge/ Trying to Impress
  5. Character - Idiosyncrasy
  6. Comedic Dreams / Words Put in the Mouths of Others
  7. Contrasting / Reversal (Happy <-> Sad / Idyllic <-> Hell)
  8. Fish out of Water
  9. Gesturing / While Others are Talking
  10. Giving Names (Derogatory) to Others
  11. Going off on One
  12. Humorous Observation
  13. Hypocrite
  14. Making Enemies
  15. misleading People
  16. Oneupmanship
  17. Pop-Culture References
  18. Sarcasm
  19. Slapstick
  20. Stitching Someone Up - Personal Gain / Avoidance
  21. Talking Behind Someone's Back
  22. Trying to be One of the Gang
  23. Worrying the Wider Public with offhand Comment
Red Dwarf - Season 1 Episode 1

Red Dwarf, like Scrubs, opens with a lot of characters, but manages to shirk them pretty quickly with a heavy dose of Cadmium. There isn't a unifying theme, but the plot lines set up the main situation for the show along with Rimmer's perpetual subplot:
  1. Lister is put in stasis because he won't reveal his cat, leading to Rimmer not fixing a drive plate that kills everyone with Cadmium, making Lister the last human alive
  2. Rimmer fails his exam
  3. Cat is the last surviving member of the cat race
Here's that all important list:

  1. 1 of the 7 Deadly Sins
  2. Barefaced Lying
  3. Bending Rules for personal gain and claiming its not
  4. Character - Idiosyncrasy
  5. Choice of Clothing / Tools
  6. Conflict / Winding Each Other Up
  7. Crossing Objects / Animals (Woolly-Jumper)
  8. Delusions of Grandeur
  9. Dissing / Ignoring Authority
  10. Escalating a Wind Up
  11. Fish Out of Water
  12. Going the Wrong Way
  13. Hamming - Grand Literary Acting
  14. Inappropriate Music to a Scene
  15. Inappropriateness
  16. Indirect Double Entendres
  17. Jade comments - Lack of Knowledge (history, geography, science) / Incorrect Terminology
  18. Losing Mind
  19. Making a Fool of Another / Getting them to Make a Fool of Themselves
  20. Me-First Ideology
  21. Misunderstanding / Not Bothering to Understand
  22. Nerdy
  23. Offensive / Blunt / Rude
  24. Punchline Interruption (of someone else's dialogue - funny or otherwise)
  25. React to Incident / Situation but leave it for Someone Else
  26. Repetition and Ignorance (They're all Dead Dave… Everyone's Dead)
  27. Saving Face
  28. Slapstick
  29. Superiority
  30. Trying to be Careful and Making it Worse
  31. Twisting Meaning of Someone's Statement
IT Crowd - Season 1 Episode 1

And finally we have the IT Crowd, the newest of the four, and not necessarily the funniest (some of the character idiosyncrasies are vaguely annoying), but it's still a masterclass. Here we have the introduction of all the characters meshed in with two plots:
  1. Power play within the team
  2. Raising the profile of the team
And the list:
  1. Anticlimax - from the big build up (McGuyver / A-Team sequence)
  2. Blagging / Lack of Knowledge/ Trying to Impress
  3. Caught Out
  4. Character - Idiosyncrasy
  5. Conflict against 3rd person bring 1st and 2nd together (then in-fighting)
  6. Contrasting / Reversal (Happy <-> Sad / Idyllic <-> Hell)
  7. Determination (To Do / Not Do Something)
  8. Diffusing Situations
  9. Failure to Listen / Lack of Interest
  10. Hiding / Avoidance
  11. Increasing an Alert Status
  12. Jade comments - Lack of Knowledge (history, geography, science) / Incorrect Terminology
  13. Job Specific Cliché
  14. Mania
  15. Matching Banter (Down a Blind Alley)
  16. Mirroring Someone / Object
  17. Missing the Obvious - Stated / Visible
  18. Mistaking the Secret Nod / Talk / Handshake
  19. Not Picking up the Vibe
  20. Odd / Incorrect Analogy
  21. Playing on a stereotyped lack of knowledge
  22. Private Joke / Job Specific Joke - not got by others
  23. Proving them Wrong
  24. puerile Humour - Self Aware
  25. Repetition (normal)
  26. Self Loathing
  27. Slapstick
  28. Slow Response / Reaction (Purposeful)
  29. Stress Induced by Others
  30. Sudden Outburst
  31. Telling the Wrong Story
  32. The "What did they say?" or "I'm not talking to them, tell them this…" 3 way
  33. The Kitten -> Tiger Unexpected Unleashing
  34. The Only One Who Knows - Being Ignored
  35. Toilet Humour
  36. Used / Abused - Bemoaning Treatment at the Hands of Others
  37. Wordplay
Having knowledge of these terms however doesn't make for great comedy. It's all in the choice of topic delivered in the form of one of these listed items, and of course the delivery itself. So, finally, altogether... the full list (just to show you what you can call on):

  1. 1 of the 7 Deadly Sins
  2. Adopting a Funny Voice
  3. Anticlimax - from the big build up (McGuyver / A-Team sequence)
  4. Barefaced Lying
  5. Being Anal
  6. Belittling Others
  7. Bending Rules for personal gain and claiming its not
  8. Blagging / Lack of Knowledge/ Trying to Impress
  9. Caught Out
  10. Character - general funny act
  11. Character - Idiosyncrasy
  12. Character - Out of Character Response / Take on Persona of Another
  13. Character - Over the Top
  14. Character - Specific Saying / Way of Speaking
  15. Choice of Clothing / Tools
  16. Comedic Dreams / Words Put in the Mouths of Others
  17. Conflict / Winding Each Other Up
  18. Conflict against 3rd person bring 1st and 2nd together (then in-fighting)
  19. Contrasting / Reversal (Happy <-> Sad / Idyllic <-> Hell)
  20. Crossing Objects / Animals (Woolly-Jumper)
  21. Delusions of Grandeur
  22. Determination (To Do / Not Do Something)
  23. Diffusing Situations
  24. Dissing / Ignoring Authority
  25. Escalate Situation / Responses
  26. Escalating a Wind Up
  27. Failure to Listen / Lack of Interest
  28. Fish Out of Water
  29. Forgetfullness
  30. Gesturing / While Others are Talking
  31. Getting Caught Out / Saving Face
  32. Giving Names (Derogatory) to Others
  33. Going off on One
  34. Going the Wrong Way
  35. Hamming - Grand Literary Acting
  36. Harming Oneself / Putting Self in Harms Way
  37. Hiding / Avoidance
  38. Humorous Observation
  39. Hypocrite
  40. Inability to cope with inanimate objects
  41. Inappropriate Music to a Scene
  42. Inappropriateness
  43. Increasing an Alert Status
  44. Indirect Double Entendres
  45. Irony
  46. Jade comments - Lack of Knowledge (history, geography, science) / Incorrect Terminology
  47. Job Specific Cliché
  48. Lack of Self-Awareness
  49. Lack of Social Skills
  50. Losing Mind
  51. Making a Fool of Another / Getting them to Make a Fool of Themselves
  52. Making Enemies
  53. Malapropism / misuse of Word, Phrase / Off-Cuff Wrong Saying
  54. Mania
  55. Matching Banter (Down a Blind Alley)
  56. Me-First Ideology
  57. Mirroring Someone / Object
  58. Misleading People
  59. Missing the Obvious - Stated / Visible
  60. Mistaking the Secret Nod / Talk / Handshake
  61. Misunderstanding / Not Bothering to Understand
  62. Nerdy
  63. Not Picking up the Vibe
  64. Obstructing another character (verbally / physically)
  65. Odd / Incorrect Analogy
  66. Offensive / Blunt / Rude
  67. Oneupmanship
  68. Playing on a stereotyped lack of knowledge
  69. Pop-Culture References
  70. Private Joke / Job Specific Joke - not got by others
  71. Proving them Wrong
  72. Puerile Humour - Self Aware
  73. Punchline Interruption (of someone else's dialogue - funny or otherwise)
  74. React to Incident / Situation but leave it for Someone Else
  75. Reaction to Incident
  76. Reminder of Something Character is Trying to Avoid
  77. Repeat Something (Twist it on the repeat)
  78. Repetition (normal)
  79. Repetition and Ignorance (They're all Dead Dave… Everyone's Dead)
  80. Sarcasm
  81. Saving Face
  82. Self Loathing
  83. Slapstick
  84. Slow Response / Reaction (Purposeful)
  85. Song / Poetry that doesn't Rhyme
  86. Stating the Obvious
  87. Stereotyping
  88. Stitching Someone Up - Personal Gain / Avoidance
  89. Stress Induced by Others
  90. Sudden Outburst
  91. Superiority
  92. Surprise Response (abnormal in situation)
  93. Taking Anger Out on Others
  94. Talking Behind Someone's Back
  95. Telling the Wrong Story
  96. The "What did they say?" or "I'm not talking to them, tell them this…" 3 way
  97. The Kitten -> Tiger Unexpected Unleashing
  98. The Only One Who Knows - Being Ignored
  99. Toilet Humour
  100. Trying to be Careful and Making it Worse
  101. Trying to be One of the Gang
  102. Twisting Meaning of Someone's Statement
  103. Unexpected / Unexplained Act whose Outcome Leads to Explanation
  104. Unexpected Observation / Link
  105. Used / Abused - Bemoaning Treatment at the Hands of Others
  106. Wordplay
  107. Worrying the Wider Public with offhand Comment

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