The end began with a whimper, where the Sun had always been at its most fervent: Rome, and in all the cities, regions, and countries clinging to the equatorial line. By the time Alfredo Giancarlo was born, the end was unalterably established and advancing without much fanfare.
It's a good time of year when you are told that a piece of your writing has been accepted into an anthology of work - finally. Phew!
Back in January, Litopia announced it's first anthology, in association (and all hard work carried out by) Nemesis Publishing.
"And?" I hear you say. "And?"
Well, I'm in it. Naturally! My 5,000 word response to visiting Rome for the first (and only) time - so far - which I'd drafted up back in 2008, has been accepted to join the work of other Litopians. The piece is called
Dreaming of Flora and emerged from my experience of the heat of Rome and the stone and flora and how, like Christianity across antiquity, one can consume the other.
The first ever anthology of short fiction by Litopians will be published later this year – and all full members have the chance to be involved.
It will be a collection of the finest short fiction that Litopia has to offer, published in print and as an e-book, with the release scheduled for mid-November...
For full details visit Litopia.
I'm really pleased, as I'm sure you'd appreciate that I would be. It is a good day. The anthology is set, at present, to be published by the end of November.