Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Chain Letters

I guess that wasn't my last post! Fancy that.

I have been remiss and missed the love - the fragrant kisses of joy and sharing. Missed it in October, missed it in November but not yesterday!

That's nice... the three of you: MG, Esy and Solvey.

So, here goes:

This is how it works: Display the award. Link back to the person who gave you this award. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. Put links to those blogs on your blog. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated. You can only answer in one word.

1. Where is your cell phone? Coat.
2. Where is your significant other? Sofa.
3. Your hair color? Brown.
4. Your mother? Sorethroat.
5. Your father? Wii.
6. Your favourite thing? Stories.
7. Your dream last night? Murderous.
8. Your dream/goal? Published.
9. The room you’re in? Extension.
10. Your hobby? Writing.
11. Your fear? Death.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Published.
13. Where were you last night? HabboHotel.
14. What you’re not? Focused.
15. One of your wish-list items? Time.
16. Where you grew up? Bracknell.
17. The last thing you did? HabboHotel.
18. What are you wearing? Jeans.
19. Your TV? 37".
20. Your pet? Spaniel.
21. Your computer? Slow.
22. Your mood? Concerned.
23. Missing someone? Everyone.
24. Your car? KA.
25. Something you’re not wearing? Bra.
26. Favourite store? CDWOW.
27. Your summer? February.
28. Love someone? Forever.
29. Your favorite color? Red.
30. When is the last time you laughed? XKCD.
31. Last time you cried? Elizabethtown.

Who do I nominate?

MG, Esy and Solvey, Kate, John, Crowe, Scribe, Lynn!

1 comment:

Donna Ballman said...

You've been tagged. Not sure what the heck else I'm supposed to do about that fact! Are you the one who started all this? You know what to do then.